Cleaning Out....
I could probably post on this subject everyday. I call myself a collector of sorts. My house is full of beautiful things. Some may call me a hoarder, yes my husband, but I am not. Really, I am not. So let’s go back to saying a collector of sorts, with procrastinator tendencies, save because I might need it and a large bit of sentimentality.
Smile.....Peony Dreams
When things are not going as planned we may need to give ourselves a reason to smile. I am a believer in looking at the positive and counting my blessings. Sometimes I may need a reminder though.
Steady as She Goes.....
It calls to mind the nautical phrase, “Steady as She Goes!” which is a cry to the helmsman to keep on the current course. Laurie helped me get on the course I was looking for and is now giving me the tools to sail onward.